Project X by
Project Log: Here
Mod of the Month wouldn't be complete without a giant water-cooled scratch-build, and this month that honour goes to by's latest monster project. The project didn't have a name at the time of writing, so we've simply called it Project X for the moment.
The size of the cube-shaped case is evident here. Yes, the dog is a puppy, but you can see there's still a huge void waiting to be filled with hardware. According to, the case will be mostly open too.
You can see some fantastic neat work here, and no expense is being spared in making sure the joins are sturdy. Cooling doesn't look like it's going to be an issue either, as that's one of the biggest radiators we've ever seen.
However, the radiator required plenty of work to make it work with a standard PC water-cooling loop however. Let's just hope that single D5 pump is enough to push the coolant around the loop.
Later in the project log we get some more shots of the intriguing radiator and its copper pipes. The project looks like it still needs some work, but we'll be keeping a close eye on this one.
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